Sinus Surgery Experts

This is a type of surgical procedure that’s designed to open up the sinuses so that any blockages can be effectively cleared.

The sinuses are hollow cavities within the skull that are designed to produce mucus that moistens the inner portions of the nose. There are times when the lining of the sinuses could become swollen and inflamed, which results in the development of a condition known as sinusitis. Acute cases of sinusitis are typically triggered by colds and similar conditions, which means that the infection is relatively harmless.

However, it’s possible that your case of sinusitis will be a long-lasting one, which is something that might require surgery to fix.

What Is Sinus Surgery?

While sinusitis is the primary condition treated by sinus surgery, it can also be administered as a treatment for abnormal growths within the sinuses and issues with an abnormal sinus structure. This treatment option is typically used as a last resort in the event that all other remedies have proven to be ineffective. However, it’s a simple procedure that takes very little time to complete.

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When Is Sinus Surgery Needed?

Sinusitis is a type of infection within the sinuses that can develop for any number of reasons. These infections could be bacterial, fungal, or viral in nature. It’s also possible that nasal polyps have developed along the lining of the sinuses. Other causes of sinusitis that could require sinus surgery to treat include allergies and a deviated septum. In most cases, the inflammation that you’re experiencing will subside with the usage of saline sprays or over-the-counter medications. If these treatments have yet to provide you with the relief you’re seeking, sinus surgery may be necessary to clear up your sinuses.

Types of Surgical Procedures Available to You

There are two main types of sinus surgery that can be administered to you, which include an endoscopy and a balloon sinuplasty. An endoscopy is a straightforward procedure that involves the insertion of small and thin endoscope tools into the nose to widen and clear out the sinuses. One of these tools will be outfitted with a tiny camera that sends photos of the area to a computer, which provides the doctor with guidance while they’re performing the procedure. An endoscopy doesn’t require any incisions, which means that your recovery time should be short. A balloon sinuplasty is similar in that your skin doesn’t need to be cut in order for the surgery to take place. This treatment is used in the event that nothing needs to be removed from the sinuses. A small catheter will be sent into the sinuses and then inflated, which helps to clear the passageways.

Risks of Sinus Surgery

Given that the main two types of sinus surgery are minimally invasive, the risks associated with this surgery are minimal. Bleeding is possible within the first 24 hours. There’s also a very small chance that your septum could be damaged during the treatment. Nasal issues, a loss of smell, and changes to your voice are also possible. If you notice any of these problems, seek treatment immediately.