It is reported that around 10% of people suffer from hearing loss.
Not being able to hear can drastically affect someone’s life. Talking to people, listening to podcasts and driving can become impossible tasks to carry out. There are ways to cope with having hearing loss, however. There are also many ways to prevent this from occurring in the first place.
Despite the fact that one’s hearing gets negatively affected in the aging process, hearing loss doesn’t have to mean the cessation to living a normal life.
The World Health Organization claims that half of the world’s cases of hearing loss are entirely preventable. There are many factors that can contribute to losing the ability to hear. Loud sounds, infections, genes and physical trauma can all lead to developing hearing loss.
There are two main mechanisms that occur when a human body hears something. Sound waves begin by reaching a part of the body where noise is translated into vibrations. These vibrations are then converted into electrical signals that the body can understand and process. Hearing loss occurs when these vital parts of the body are damaged.
Infections can destroy areas of the ear that are responsible for converting sound waves into vibrations. Additionally, hearing sounds that are too loud for too long of a time period is primarily responsible for causing hearing loss according to the World Health Organization. Little hairs that are inside of the ear convert vibrations into processable data, but loud sounds can damage the hair’s ability to function. Since these hairs don’t grow back by themselves, excessively loud noises can lead to permanent hearing loss.

There are various grades of hearing loss. They are categorized from being mild to profound. Tests can be done to determine just how much one is affected.
An article published by Harvard claims that hearing loss is accompanied by another disorder approximately 30% of the time. Although genetics can be the culprit for experiencing hearing loss, caring for one’s hearing can prevent predisposed issues from surfacing.
It is recommended that everyone should be tested periodically for hearing loss. Other symptoms like vertigo can accompany having difficulty hearing. People may also experience pressure in the ear or experience buzzing noises originating from having tinnitus.
Treatment Options
Since the hairs that convert vibrations into processable data don’t grow back, hearing loss is largely irreversible. Luckily, hearing aids go a long way in helping people who experience difficulty in hearing. Hearing aids amplify the sound waves that come from people talking. Other methods of communication may also be effective. Text messaging, sign language, lip reading and hearing dogs can provide assistance to a person with hearing loss. Many people who have hearing loss regard themselves as only different and not necessarily as someone who has a disability.
By avoiding long exposure to loud sounds, there is a good chance that one may not develop significant hearing loss. Since hearing loss is mostly irreversible, it is critical to monitor noise levels throughout the day. The World Health Organization claims that headphones are being used too frequently and at too high of a volume. Hearing aids can greatly help someone experiencing hearing loss, but keeping noises to a minimum wherever possible can keep someone healthy and able to hear for years on end.