
If medications have yet to provide relief, you might want to consider balloon sinus surgery.

If the cavities surrounding your nasal passages become inflamed, it’s possible that you’re suffering from a condition known as sinusitis. While this condition can be caused by a wide range of issues, it’s typically brought about by an infection.

When this inflammation occurs, the sinuses can be blocked from performing their standard functions, which can lead to pain.

What Is a Balloon Sinus Surgery?

This is a type of minimally invasive procedure that’s designed to provide treatment for sinusitis without needing to perform any incisions or removal of bone and tissue. This procedure attempts to widen the walls of the sinus passageways in order to make sure that the sinuses are functioning like they should be. Because this surgery is minimally invasive in nature, the recovery period is also shorter than such surgical remedies as traditional sinus surgery. If you’re experiencing sinusitis symptoms like pain and tenderness around the cheeks or nasal congestion, these symptoms should dissipate once you’re provided with the balloon sinus surgery.

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When to Consider This Treatment Option

If you’ve been diagnosed with sinusitis and have experienced the symptoms of this condition for more than three months, it’s likely that you’re suffering from a chronic bout of sinusitis. When medications haven’t provided the relief that you’re looking for, surgery may be the only option left open to you. While the symptoms of sinusitis aren’t usually too severe, the general pain and discomfort that you experience with this condition can be difficult to manage. Some other symptoms to look out for include sinus headaches, facial pressure, a decreased sense of smell, and a discharge of green or yellow mucus. If these symptoms occur, you’re probably suffering from sinusitis.

What Does This Surgery Involve?

A balloon sinus surgery uses a thin and flexible catheter that can be inflated once it enters the sinuses. This procedure begins with the insertion of the balloon catheter into the sinus that’s currently inflamed. The balloon will then be inflated so that the sinus opening can be properly expanded. A saline solution is sprayed directly into the sinus in order to get rid of any built-up mucus or pus. The balloon catheter will then be removed, which leaves the sinuses opened. This procedure is able to effectively open the passageways while ensuring that the integrity of the sinus lining remains strong.

What to Expect During Recovery

Once you’ve obtained a balloon sinus surgery, you should experience partial or total relief of your sinusitis symptoms in the weeks following the surgery. Some small amounts of inflammation may remain in the area for a few days after the treatment has been performed. Recovery is typically quick, which means that you should be able to return to work and standard activities in one or two days. If you experience any complications after the surgery, make sure to notify your surgeon as soon as possible.